13TH Annual Garretson Community Scholarship Foundation Golf Tournament

This year our 13th annual golf tournament will be held on Friday June 14th (this is Jesse James day weekend). The event will again be held at the Garretson River Ridge Golf Course (details on the back). The first 9 holes we will play the normal scramble format and compete for cash pin prizes. The second 9 holes will not be a scramble but will involve some dice rolling fun. Thank you for your continued support. This tournament and the scholarships we are able to hand out are because of all of YOU!

garretson community scholarship foundation logo

In June of 2023, our GCS group sponsored its 12th annual golf tournament. Generous donations from the community and businesses helped us raise $10,844 during that event. Over the past 12 years, our annual golf tournament has raised $114,247! These funds have and will continue to provide scholarships to Garretson graduates.

On their behalf, we would like to thank you for your support as well.

Each year our community is invited to show its support of GCS through our annual fundraising golf tournament.
Other funds are generously provided by local businesses, service organizations and individuals who desire to sponsor scholarships in their name. Thanks to our many dedicated supporters, the GCS has awarded 228 graduates with $240,900 in scholarships since 2008. On May 2nd, we awarded 7 students of the graduating class of 2024 with $17,500 in scholarships.

The Garretson Community Scholarship Foundation is dedicated to making a collective statement about the importance of education beyond high school. We are a locally operated and supported, nonprofit, tax-exempt scholarship foundation, operated by an all-volunteer Board of Directors committed to provide the encouragement and financial support our students need. Through GCSF, you also have the opportunity to support local students in their pursuit of higher education. If you have any interest in joining our board please contact Tad Heitkamp.

Donations, registrations, and sponsorships can be sent to GCS at 825 Jacob Cir, Garretson, SD 57030. If you have any questions, want to enter a team or would like more information regarding this event, please contact Mandy Smith at 605-359-5060 or email . Looking forward to seeing you on June 14th!

GCSF Board Members: Tad Heitkamp, Jackie Liester, Bob Bennett, Melissa Edmundson, Cherie Kindt, Sam Williamson, Doug Grimsrud, Angie Olson & Mandy Smith

13th Annual GCSF Golf Tournament

River Ridge Golf Course Friday, June 14th
All funds raised will be used to provide future Garretson graduates with scholarships.
Register early as there will be a limited number of teams!
9:00 Registration
1st Round is a 4 Person Scramble
2nd Round will include more FUN
10:00 Shotgun Start
4:00ish Dinner & Awards
Cost $65.00 Per Non-Member
Cost $45.00 Per RR Member
Includes 18 Holes Cart and Dinner
MULLIGANS ARE AVAILABLE FOR $5.00 EACH (up to 2 per golfer per 18 holes)

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