This summer, the Palisades State Park expansion will be open! The new entrance will be opening soon at 484th Avenue and 255th Street, with an expansion of services, campsites, a new playground, and more. (Some new facilities may not be available immediately, keep an eye on Facebook at Palisades State Park for updates.)
Not only that, but there will be some great events and happenings in the park!
(The following events will be at Palisades State Park only unless otherwise noted)
- May 17-19: SD State Park Open House – free entrance and free fishing all weekend at any South Dakota State Park
- June 16: 10:00 a.m. Fathers Day Fishing
- July 6: 9:00 p.m. Nature’s Fireworks
- July 12: 4:30 p.m. Monarchs and Pollinators
- July 27: 2:00 p.m. Make your own ice cream
- August 10: 9:30 p.m. – 11:00 p.m. Perseid Meteor Shower
All summer: Park Rx

Introducing Park Rx in South Dakota. Doctors can prescribe a day in the park, and you get a free, one-day, or discounted annual state park pass! Check with your physician and discover the benefits of nature therapy.
Learn more about Park Rx here: