Garretson Economic Development
The Garretson Industrial Development Corporation was a non-profit organization that has merged with Garretson Economic Development.
One of our primary goals is to establish an Industrial Park for the City of Garretson. Garretson itself is located twenty minutes from Sioux Falls and its airport, fifteen minutes from I-29 and eight minutes from I-90.
The Garretson Economic Development Corporation is a non-profit organization. One of our primary goals is to establish an Industrial Park for the City of Garretson. Garretson itself is located twenty minutes from Sioux Falls and its airport, fifteen minutes from I-29 and eight minutes from I-90.
A main Class-1 BNSF Railroad line (considered the only one in the state of SD) intersects at Garretson from Sioux Falls, Sioux City, and Minneapolis. Potential sites for access by rail spur are located on the outskirts of Garretson.
Good and clear title for the remaining 4.611 acre parcel. This piece can be divided and sub-platted. See map.
The park is located within the Garretson city limits.
A site HUD Environmental Study was completed for historical artifacts by SECOG and was cleared for new construction.
GEOTek drilled the site for soil types and depths. Map copies are available.
Paul Korn from Sayre Associates is the site engineer 605-332-7211.
All the necessary utilities are present, such as Minnehaha County rural water, natural gas, state of the art telecommunications and electricity. Phase three power is in the 5th St ditch and along Highway 11. Adam Amundson is the contact person at Excel Energy 605-339-8316
The park covenants coincide with Garretson’s covenants and can be negotiated.
A real estate tax abatement program with five year phase-in for new businesses. The tax abatement begins when building construction starts. (20-40-60-80-100%)
DOT vehicle count in 2012 from Jeff Brose in Pierre 605-773-5439
- North of Brandon 4,880 vehicles /day, 8.5% trucks = 414 trucks /day
- Garretson 3,000-3,500 vehicles /day, 11.4% trucks = 370 trucks /day
- Jasper line 1,800-2,100 vehicles /day, 18.3% trucks = 356 trucks /day
The rainwater runoff can be sent down the north and south ditches along 5th St. to the river by blocking a culvert and establishing a dirt berm.
A driveway access off of 5th Street could be granted from the City into the park.
Low interest State of South Dakota programs can be obtained through SECOG.
Nordstrom Avenue was built to withstand heavy trucks and loads.
A Garretson Community Labor Profile link is available at Look under Place Profile, highlight Garretson city and type Garretson in the custom title box.
Contact: Chris Fields, Economic Development Coordinator, City Hall 605-594-6721.