Garretson Commercial Club Meeting Minutes March 13, 2024

March 13th, 2024, Regular Meeting at Palisades Oil

Those in attendance: Luke Dreckman, Carrie Mortiz, Paetyn Dreckman, Laurie Bennett, Macie Coburn, and Tim Mallatt.

12:04 pm Luke Dreckman called the meeting to order.

12:06 pm Kris Johnson called into meeting via phone.

12:07 Megan Rollag arrived at meeting location.

Secretary’s Report – Laurie motioned to approve the February meeting minutes with a second by Carrie. All voting members were in favor. Minutes prepared by John Brinkman who was not in attendance. Luke addressed the issue of missing meeting minutes and how to proceed whether the board attempt to recap based on previous agendas or give current Secretary a timeline to send prepared minutes. Macie motioned to remove current board Secretary as Leslie Black with a second from Megan. Carrie motioned to appoint Paetyn Dreckman as acting Secretary with a second from Megan. Luke Dreckman removed himself as a voting member due to conflicts of interest. The remaining voting members were all in favor. Motion carried.

Treasurer’s Report – Laurie motioned to approve the January report as there had not been a quorum at February’s meeting. Luke seconded Laurie’s motion and all voting members were in favor. Motion carried. Carrie motioned to approve the treasurer’s report for February with a second from Laurie. All voting members in favor. Motion carried.

Old Business –

  • Non-Profit Status – Luke gave an update from Mollie Blashko CPA with ELO. Stated she believes the Commercial Club may be filed as 501(c)6 rather than 501(c)3 and that is why grant application have been denied. Mollie recommends moving forward as 501(c)6 or create a subdivision of The Commercial Club as a 501(c)3 but this would require a separate board. This item will be tabled for further information.
  • State Park Signage – Tim Mallatt brough final draft of sign for review. The board would like a 6 by 10 vinyl sign with intentions/ability to update for certain events. Tim offered to check with Brandon Lumber on price for sign backing, frame, and posts.
  • Phonebook Progress – Carrie brought draft for opinions and edits. Includes a map within City limits and option to hold a photo submission contest for next year’s cover. Carrie would like edits back within a week or two.
  • Collaborating with GED – Artfest-Independence Day Celebration – no update
  • RASDak – Laurie got Kris Frerk on the phone (12:40pm) to discuss RASDak events. Frerk looking to form a committee to help plan events Saturday June 1st, 2024. Would like to see a bike parade with all riders followed by kids from Garretson riding their bikes down Main. The Legion and Annie’s will be open for breakfast. Riders will take off early Sunday morning and return 10:30am-2pm the following Friday. Kris also mentioned that she has pieces to be added to the Art Trail this year and hoping to have them placed by Memorial Day. Laurie offered to be on Kris’s committee for RASDak events along with Carrie. It was mentioned that Guy Johnson could be an option to represent both the school district and Commercial Club. Luke will reach out to him.
  • 2024 Membership List – Kris Johnson mentioned missing dues for a few members that have given verbal confirmation, and she will be sending out toddler train dues this week or next.
  • Business Questionnaire – Luke is working on collecting questionnaire’s he has handed out and emailed to members. He has about 15 back so far.

New Business –

  • Jesse James Days – Garrick advised no more Silver Creek Mavericks as their group is starting to dissolve but he will look into finding another similar group to perform. Carrie mentioned Phil Baker has the Commercial Club as first dibs to perform that weekend. Megan has also reached out to Dakota Entertainment for a quote on bouncy houses. Leroy Austin is planning on having a street dance Saturday night. Paetyn said she would reach out to Angie Nussbaum to see if she would set up a car show again this year. The board discussed having a bean bag tournament again and would designate someone to investigate.
  • Fundraiser – What and When? – Luke to email for ideas and suggestions.
  • Purple Heart Business – Luke brought up Kingskull Metalworks, but they would need to become a member. Luke mentioned they have been in talks and the owner plans to be a member.

1:03 pm Megan left the meeting

Other Business

            Toddler Train – Advertising Cost and billing – as mentioned previously, Kris would be working on sending out dues to advertise on the toddler train. There has been discussion on increasing the cost of advertising for next year and will be open to discussion in April’s meeting.

1:06 pm Laurie motioned to adjourn with a second from Macie. All voting members in favor. Motion carried.

Next Board meeting will take place April 10th at the Gulch. 11:30 meal with meeting to follow at 12:00pm.

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