Garretson Commercial Club Minutes, December 2020

The Garretson Commercial Club met Wednesday December 9, 2020 at The Gulch for 11:30 am lunch and 12:00 noon business meeting.  Present were:  John Brinkman, Kris Johnson, Rob Meyer, Garrick Moritz, Carrie Moritz, Anna Uhl, Jessica Fueston, Luke Dreckman and Guy Johnson.

President John called the meeting to order.  Handouts were available for November’s Treasurer’s Report and Gift Certificate Report.  Guy made the motion to approve the Treasurer’s Report and Rob seconded.  The motion was approved by all board members.  The Secretary’s Report for November was not available at the time of the meeting.

There was no Old Business to discuss.

Under New Business:  There was no new information on the Main Street speaker system to report.

We have had four new Christmas Lane cutout requests for 2020.  There seems to be more cutouts and house lights displayed around town this year because of the nice weather.  Thanks goes out again to the FFA Chapter for cutting and painting these cutouts. 

We are still working on the newest businesses on an official ribbon cutting.

Hometown Christmas will take place on Saturday December 12th.   The parade of lights line-up will start at Main Ave and 5th Street going East.  The City Park is expecting a lot of traffic to see the light display immediately after the parade.  Santa Claus will be posted at the donation box while handing out candy canes from Alliance Communications.      

The house lighting contest winner will receive a $100.00 gift card and the honor of helping judge the next year’s winner.   The business store front contest winner will be announced too.

The annual Commercial Club budget meeting for the Board members will be held on January 11th 4:00 pm at the bank.

Tyler Ramsbey will cut down his pod casts to once per month because of other commitments.

O’s So Good Restaurant will be featured on The Food Network’s Diners, Drive-ins and Dives on January 1st at 7:00 pm.  This is an outstanding achievement for Omar Thornton and his staff.   Our Garretson community is proud to have his business highlighted on national television.  Congratulations Omar!!

The annual Garretson Commercial Club meeting will be held on Monday, January 18th.  Flyers will be mailed out with more details and RSVP’s will be necessary for the catered food.  The dinner tables will be social distanced with four to six people per table.  Guy suggested a possible Zoom interaction for those who wish not to attend in person. 

The next regular monthly meeting will be on January 13th (later changed to 4pm on January 11th and to be held following the budget meeting at City Hall).

There was a motion to adjourn by Garrick and seconded by Guy.   

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