Garretson Commercial Club Minutes December 2021

Garretson Commercial Club Meeting Minutes

Wednesday, December 8th 2021

The Sports Cabin

In Attendance: Jessica Fueston, Garrick Moritz, Rob Meyer, Laurie Bennet, John Brinkman, Anna Uhl, Luke Dreckman, Ron Luke, Jay Buchholz, Carrie Moritz, and Megan Rollag.

            The December Commercial Club meeting was brought to order by John Brinkman. The Secretary’s report was motioned to approve by Garrick, second by Laurie, and subsequently passed. There was not a treasurers report.

            In old business, the first item was a sound system update. John is still waiting to hear back from Muth to get the map of the conduit wires under main street. Carrie then updated us on the website, and it looked like Hometown Christmas was getting a lot of attention.

            The first, and main, item in new business was Hometown Christmas. The official schedule was approved with only one change- that the vendor fair was to begin at 9:00am. Anna stated that 22 vendors were signed up, which is the biggest turn out for a vendor fair yet. Details for Kids Crafts were set, including John as Santa being present and Garrick reading stories for the kids. Moving on from Hometown Christmas, the State Park entrance letter of support was brought back to the agenda this month. Ron stated a great case in support of the letter, and then motioned to pass. Garrick gave the second, and the motion carried. A letter in support of keeping the east entrance open to Palisades will be sent from the Garretson Commercial Club. Next on the agenda was a special meeting set for December 15th. This meeting will be held at The Gulch with Jesse Fonkert in attendance to help field questions regarding the proposed economic development organization. Following that lunch meeting, there will be a demonstration held at the Legion to see a new sign for Highway 11. After that, the budget meeting was set for January 4th at the bank at 4:00pm. There was then a brief statement to plan on telephone book and membership dues being set out soon. The final item of new business was the Annual Meeting. It’s set for January 17th of 2022 at the Legion, with the social beginning at 6:00pm and the meal beginning at 7:00pm. There was some discussion on if a full meal should be served, which Garrick motioned to approve and Laurie gave a second. Doing a full meal was passed.

            The next regular meeting will be January 12th at Palisades Oil. Garrick motioned to adjourn, Rob gave the second, and the meeting was adjourned.

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