Garretson Commercial Club Minutes for December 14, 2022

December 14, 2022

The Sports Cabin

Present:  Megan Rollag, Luke Dreckman and John Brinkman

Absent:  Garrick Moritz, Rob Meyer, Laurie Bennett, Ron Luke, Kris Johnson and Guy Johnson

Guests:  Mary Ann Carlson, Sonya Swanson, Jessica Fueston and Chad Hanisch

Megan called the meeting to order.  There wasn’t a quorum present for voting.

The first thing under old business was a recap on Hometown Christmas.  Megan said the kid’s crafts went very well.  There was good children attendance and 71 cookies were served.  Luke said the breakfast went well but was it was understaffed for workers.  He thought close to 200 people were served.  The unused food items were returned to GFC, Inc.  The food invoice was $599.80.  The free will donation for the sound system brought in $908.26.  There were thirty-three items auctioned off at the Silent Auction.  This netted $2,962.00.  There were 14 vendors with one no show.  This netted $180.00.  They seemed pleased with their sales and the public attendance.  The e-Bicycle raffle drawing was drawn and Doug Nohava was the winner.  There were 130 raffle tickets sold and this netted $3,500.00 to the GCC.  The overall net profit of $7,550.26 will be put towards the sound system on Main Ave.  Luke Dreckman was congratulated on all his hard work putting together these fund raising events.  The money guessing from Nordstrom’s Automotive, Inc. went well at The Treasure Chest.  The Parade of Lights had ten entries which was a little light this year.  Thanks to all the workers and Santa Claus at these events.

The revisions to the GCC By-Laws and Articles will be reviewed by Luke and Garrick.  The revisions will be presented at the annual meeting on January 16, 2023 for general membership approval.

The last thing under old business was membership survey discussion.  It was felt the Board members should look at it first.  They can discuss and approve at our upcoming 2023 budget meeting on December 27, 2002. 

The first thing under new business was an update from Jessica Fueston and Chad Hanisch on the newly formed Garretson Economic Development (GED) 501c-3 organization.  They gave an overview and answered questions.  Jessica handed out an organizational chart.  Chad stressed that this new organization isn’t here to compete but to help communicate, organize and streamline various community projects and activities.  There could be grant and scholarship opportunities that Garretson may otherwise miss out.  There was discussion about merging into the GED.  It was felt that monies donated to GED from different groups could and should be earmarked if indicated to special projects.  Jessica will put together some information showing the benefits and costs from GED by having the GCC merge versus not merge.  Jessica is the GED Coordinator and would also handle the Treasurer position.  They were both invited to our annual meeting to answer questions from our membership present. 

The annual meeting will be held at The Combine on January 16, 2023. There was discussion that two free meal tickets should be given to RSVP business attendees.  This will help encourage a good turnout.  John will ask LeRoy about the upcoming meal and cost.  The membership will be told that if GCC merges into the newly formed GED or not that membership dues will probably go up in 2024. 

Next, Mary Ann discussed the upcoming membership renewal billing.  It was felt our existing 2022 structured membership dues, toddler train signage fees and Garretson telephone book advertisement fees will remain the same for 2023.  It was pointed out that membership dues haven’t changed since 2009.  The annual meeting packet will be mailed out sometime around the end of the year.  This will include information from Jessica regarding the possible merger. 

A 4:00 pm budget meeting will be planned with the Board members for December 27, 2022 at First Bank & Trust. 

The meeting was adjourned.


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