Garretson Commercial Club Minutes for October 2022

Wednesday October 12, 2022

at The Gulch

Present:  Megan Rollag, Laurie Bennett, Luke Dreckman, Rob Meyer, Kris Johnson, Garrick Moritz

Guests:  Paetyn Dreckman, Carrie Moritz, Sam Williamson, John Brinkman

Absent:  Guy Johnson and Ron Luke

The October Garretson Commercial Club meeting was called to order by Vice President Megan Rollag.

M/S by Laurie/Rob to approve the Secretary’s Report as presented.  Motion passed.

M/S by Luke/Laurie to approve the Treasurer’s Report.  Kris answered a few questions.  Motion passed.

The first item under Old Business was the main street sound system.  John met with Jeff from Mid States Audio in SF.  He looked over main street and will contact Cole at Sayre Associates and Jason at Midwest Boring, LLC for any maps of the buried conduit pipe.  Luke talked with Tyler from Verum Technology who recommended the Meyer Sound System brand.  Both companies said the hard wire is the best way to go for our project.  They will get quotes back to us soon.  Possible that both may be in the mid $20,000 range.

Luke gave an update on the Trek e-bike raffle ticket sales.  The raffle tickets are being sold at eight different locations.  He will keep track of the ticket sales and gross receipts by spreadsheet.  He feels that around half the tickets have been sold for the first two weeks.  We will set up a table and sell more raffle tickets at the upcoming Trunk or Treat in Splitrock Park on October 31st

There were no updates to the GCC by-laws and mission statement.   Luke and Garrick will meet and review for possible recommendations and changes prior to the annual meeting in January, 2023.

The last Old Business item was discussion regarding Trunk or Treat on October 31st from 4:30 to 6:15 pm at Splitrock Park.  GCC will have a table there to sell e-bike raffle tickets.  The Trek e-bike will be displayed, weather permitting.  Alysha Kientopf e-mailed that the Garretson FFA Chapter is willing to host a petting zoo with a few animals along with some fall carnival games.  Garrick put an advertisement in the Garretson Gazette.  Main street businesses are encouraged to participate by being open that night with food specials and/or Halloween activities/treats at their business location.

The first thing under New Business is Hometown Christmas on December 10th at the Legion.  Gary Lyngen will ask the Legion members to help run the kitchen.  The local Boy Scout Troop and Ben Zimmer will help bus tables.   A free French toast breakfast with sausage is planned from 9:00 am to Noon.  Laurie Bennett will head up a Vendor’s Fair on the south side of the Legion during the same time frame.  She will ask each vendor for either a cash donation and/or canned food to benefit the Garretson Food Pantry in lieu of a table participation fee.  Megan Rollag is willing to head up the kid’s crafts at the Garretson School Commons from 11:00 am to 1:00 pm.  She will check with Anna Uhl for crafts and games.  A local 4-H Club will be approached to help oversee each table.  There will still need to be a ticket and money table.  Garrick offered to read to the kids again this year.  A house lighting contest will take place this year with $100.00 GCC gift certificate as the prize.   The local Fire Department and the Kringen family will be contacted to offer rides around town throughout the day and early evening. 

Luke will contact the Kringen family regarding the horse rides and possible sleigh rides, weather permitting.  Ron Luke will be contacted regarding the current supply of the Shop Garretson First punch cards.  These will be available at various local merchants.  Fully punched cards will go into a drawing for GCC gift certificates.  The Hometown Christmas light parade will begin at 6:30 pm with lineup starting along North 5th St.  by the Devil’s Gulch entrance.  The entire Garretson Community is encouraged to participate. 

The second item under New Business is the GCC Annual meeting.  The planned date is Monday, January 16th, 2023.  The location is being discussed with several options available.  Garrick and John will research further.  Other things for the agenda include by-law and mission statement discussion and recommendations from Garrick and Luke, the newly formed Garretson Economic Development Organization review by Jessica Fueston, GCC guidance and club direction by our members.

Other Business discussed included Kris Johnson saying she paid $1,806 for the upcoming Visitor’s Guide.  This advertisement expense was already budgeted for 2022.  Garrick proposed that GCC spend $200 from unused budget expenses to pay for an advertisement in The Brandon Journal.  All agreed and no vote was necessary.  Carrie is proposing that we need 500 new visitor’s guides in booklet form for 2023. This will include a Garretson business directory including phone numbers.  The GCC members could be highlighted in bold print.  Questions asked:  Would GCC spearhead this project?  The cost?  The last thing noted was the main street banners are getting weathered and should be considered taken down.  Luke mentioned the Trek e-bike raffle proceeds could be used for any main street improvements. 

The next monthly Board meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, November 9th, 2022 at Palisades Oil Company.

M/S to adjourn by Garrick/Rob


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