Garretson Commercial Club Minutes for Wednesday, July 13 2022

            The meeting was called to order at 12:06 p.m. at The Gulch, but as no quorum was yet available, the Secretary’s Report and Treasurer’s Report were voted on later in the meeting once a quorum was established. At that time, Laurie motioned and Rob seconded to approve the secretary’s report, which was approved. For the treasurer’s report, Garrick motioned to approve and Laurie seconded.

            With no updates on the sound system or on the merger available at that moment, the Club began with a briefing on Jesse James Days, which was largely successful.

            Friday night events saw a smaller car show, likely due to shorter notice given to car enthusiasts. The scavenger hunt had been canceled due to a lack of volunteers, and a baseball game was canceled by the other team. However, the turnout for walking tacos hosted by the Garretson Historical Society and the Cornhole Tournament hosted by Triple Crown were both very successful, with large crowds.

            The Historical Society volunteers believed taco sales right after the parade were also a perfect idea, and between the two days, sold 225 tacos, more than ever sold in previous years.

            Susan Haygood with Palisades Art Gallery said that she had a local artist show open on the Friday of Jesse James Days, and that it too was successful, with 14 artists participating and over 75 attendees at the open house. Her show stayed open until the end of June and she intends to do it again next year.

            On Saturday, the Jesse James Road Race had 36 participants and all but one shirt sold. Pancakes were sold out at the pancake breakfast held at the Fire Station. There were 58 parade entries, and parade organizer John Brinkman expressed hope he could get the Shriners to come again next year. Years that they have come have been popular with attendees.

            Laurie Bennett, vendor fair organizer, reported that the Vendor Fair had a good turnout this year, with plenty of vendors and shoppers. She did point out that perhaps 3:00 p.m. is too late in the day and that next year, the vendor fair should only go until 1:00 p.m.

            Rob Meyer, owner of Humble Hill Winery, also said that last year’s wine tastings at The Treasure Chest were better due to an earlier time frame. He said he would go back to having the tastings right after the parade in future years.

            The Silver Creek Mavericks had canceled due to several members coming down with COVID, and were hoping they could reschedule a show later in the summer. Commercial Club President Garrick Moritz stated that folks had told him the lack of the wild west show was a disappointment but understandable. It was confirmed that no payment had yet been given.

            A report on inflatable wrist band sales was not available, but Zion Lutheran’s youth group hamburger sales were down this year. At least two food trucks were also up at the ball fields. High temperatures may have kept numbers down at the ball fields that afternoon. The shuttle by the Fire Department was popular and a great way to keep folks moving around town to the museum and the school.

            The Legion and BlueJays baseball games that afternoon and evening were seen as a positive and it was hoped having the Garretson baseball teams play could be repeated next year.

            Tracie Jellis of The Gulch reported that the street dance held with The Combine was successful, with a good turnout. They had enough volunteers and good security. They are intending to repeat the event again in 2023.

            Sunday’s events were quieter, though the Fishing Derby again had good participation. No report was available on the community church service or kayak rentals.

            No update was available on the proposed sign along Hwy 11, nor was there an update regarding signage at Palisades State Park’s new entrance. Park director Luke Dreckman spoke about the Palisades 50th Anniversary Celebration, which is being held July 23 with a trails poker run. He said there were $1000 in prizes and they were looking for volunteers from 8:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. to stamp cards at Splitrock Park and Devil’s Gulch.

            Moving into new business, John gave an update on the Commercial Club Golf Tournament, which is scheduled for August 5. He needed volunteer help on hole #5 but had everything else taken care of. He said there would be a pork chop meal provided by Garretson Food Center at the end of the tournament.

            Garrick then passed along a proposal from Leslie Black regarding the flower barrels that are no longer being used by the Commercial Club. They had been retired but Black was interested in starting a community food garden with them, either in the back yard by GFC or behind the food pantry. She had obtained permission from both entities to use the land, and was wondering if the Commercial Club would allow the use of the flower barrels for the purpose. After establishing that the Commercial Club would still own the barrels, and that Black would be responsible for their care and transportation, a motion was put forth by Garrick to allow use of the barrels and seconded by Rob. All voted in favor.

            The 2022 Annual Report to the state is due, and John and Kris Johnson said they would take care of it.

            Moving on to other business, Dreckman spoke about the steps he had taken on moving forward with a wireless speaker system. He had finally spoken with a representative of a company that provided the system in Watertown, who had been hard to get ahold of due to health issues. Dreckman said that wireless systems are newer and may be hard to find, and that it may not work for the parade as well as hoped. The announcer would have to be located close to the amp in order to receive the signal, and there’s only a 1-year warranty on the amp. Dreckman was unsure about availability of an extended warranty. He said he would continue to look at the options.

            At that time, the board voted to adjourn. The next meeting will be held at Palisades Oil on August 10 with the lunch at 11:30 a.m. and meeting at 12:00 p.m.

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