Garretson Commercial Club Minutes, January 11 2023

January 11, 2023

The Gulch

Present:  Garrick Moritz, Laurie Bennett, John Brinkman, Megan Rollag, Ron Luke and Kris Johnson

Absent:  Luke Dreckman, Rob Meyer and Guy Johnson

Guests:  Paeytyn Dreckman, Carrie Moritz, Mary Ann Carlson and Leslie Black

Garrick called the meeting to order. 

The December 14, 2022 Secretary’s Report was reviewed. M/S by Laurie/Megan to approve. Motion Passed

The Treasurer’s Report was tabled because lack of reports at the start of the meeting.

The 2023 annual budget was presented and reviewed. M/S by Laurie/John to approve and send to the annual meeting for their review and approval.  Motion Passed

The first thing under old business was the latest revisions to our By-laws and Articles.  Garrick reviewed each proposed revised item that was presented.  Luke and Garrick should be credited for many hours of thought and research going into each proposed revision.

Many of the items were approved as presented.  There was voting on other revisions as follows:

M/S by Megan/Kris to eliminate the Full Member from revisions throughout the proposal.  There will remain just two categories of membership, General and Associate.  Motion Passed

M/S by Garrick/Kris to raise the General Membership fee to $200.00 plus $10.00 per full time employee and $5.00 per part time employee.  The Associate Membership fee will go up to $65.00.  These fees will take effect beginning in 2024 if the Garretson Commercial Club decides not to merge into the Garretson Economic Development.  Motion Passed

M/S by Kris/Laurie to add PO Box 445 along to the new physical address of 705 N Main Ave., Garretson, SD  57030.  Motion Passed

M/S by Laurie/Ron to leave Article II, part M and Article III, part L. “as is”.  There was lots of discussion by the Board concerning compensation for meals and duties such as attending meetings.  The Board did recognize that attendance by board members and membership involvement in club activities is slipping.  The feeling is that there should be some compensation back to the businesses for activity involvement and worker volunteers.  The Board is not sure how this should look in the future if the merger doesn’t happen.  These two parts could be amended at a future date.  Motion Passed

There was a M/S by Megan/Laurie to proposed change in Article V, part B regarding borrowing money by the Garretson Commercial Club.  The Board felt it was best to leave the existing part B in place.  Motion Passed

Garrick handed out a proposal for a mailable ballot option to all members.  Currently members have to be present to vote.  The Board feels every member’s vote and input is important.  This returnable ballot will ensure that our 70+ membership had a fair and equal chance to vote on major issues.  There was a M/S from Megan/Laurie to adopt this amendment for voting into Article IV, part D.  Motion Passed

The Survey results which were sent out electronically will be reviewed at the annual meeting.

The next thing under old business was discussion on the annual meeting on January 16th at The Combine.  The social hour is at 5:00 pm, meal at 6:00 pm and meeting at 7:00 pm.  The presentation of some agenda items will be moved around by Garrick because of the merger discussion.  We will ask Jessica Fueston to be in attendance to answer any questions.  The open Board positions were discussed.  Laurie said she can serve on the Board again.  Megan will roll into the President position. 

The sound system is being worked on by Luke.  He met with Mid States Audio, a SF company, and they are checking into wireless system for main street.  The company felt the hard wire system is still the best but the most expensive.    

The Home Town lighting contest winner in 2022 is Arlen (Woody) and Marica Gnadt.  They will receive $100 in GCC gift certificates.

Under new business the Jesse James Days discussion was tabled because of lack of time.

The next Board meeting date will be February 8, 2023 at Palisades Oil Company with 11:30 am meal and 12:00 noon meeting.

M/S to adjourn by Laurie/Megan.  Motion Passed

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