Garretson Commercial Club Minutes January 2022

Garretson Commercial Club Meeting Minutes

Wednesday, January 12th, 2022

Palisade Oil Co

In Attendance: John Brinkman, Laurie Bennett, Jessica Fueston, Jordan Doane, Luke Dreckman, Rob Meyer, Carrie Moritz, Garrick Moritz, and Guy Johnson.

            The January Commercial Club meeting was brought to order by John Brinkman. The Secretary’s report was motioned to approve by Laurie, second by Rob, and subsequently passed. The treasurers report was motioned to approve by Laurie, second by Garrick, and passed.

            In old business, the first item was a recap of hometown Christmas. The winners of the house lighting contest were Ed and Sara Rogich. Discussion ensued regarding how to better advertise the lighting contest. John Brinkman reiterated that hometown Christmas 2021 was a great success. The commercial club moved on to a commercial club website from Carrie. There were no major updates, but Carrie discussed adding the formula for membership dues to the website in the future.

            In new business, the support letter for the State Park is finished and Luke Dreckman gave an update on the road. The park, county, and State are working together to keep the road paved. Next, the club reviewed the quotes for the new electronic sign on highway 11. The cost of a new sign would be between $28,000 and $40,000, but some are looking for other quotes. In preparation for the annual meeting coming up, the board approved the plan of the social at 6 and meeting beginning at 7. Some discussion ensued regarding the opt-out item on the annual meeting agenda. Some of the board members had met to go over the budget for 2022, and the club reviewed it at this meeting. Rob motioned to approve the budget, Laurie second, budget passed. The final item of new business was the state and city park maps. John discussed some minor changes, and the club discussed ways for the parks to benefit the City more.

            With no other business brought to the commercial club, Garrick motioned to adjourn and Guy second, motion passed.

            The next regular meeting will be February 9th at The Sports Cabin.

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