Garretson Commercial Club Meeting Minutes
March 12th, 2025 Regular meeting at Palisade oil
Those in attendance: Carrie Moritz, Laurie Bennett, Macie Coburn, Kris Johnson, Heather Jacobson, Sarah Beahler, Bruce Brown, Chris Fields and Megan Rollag
Carrie Moritz called the meeting to order at 1:02 p.m.
Secretary’s Report– Paetyn Dreckman provided a copy of the minutes for the February meeting. Megan motioned to approve minutes with a second from Laurie. Motion passed unanimously. Megan agreed to take minutes for March meeting as Paetyn was not available.
Treasurer’s Report- Kris provided treasurer’s report. Discussion was had about the report saying that it included the pizza and puzzles event. Most dues have been paid except for two businesses. Also discussed sending out bills due for the toddler train. Laurie motioned to approve report with a second from Heather. Motion passed unanimously.
Old Business:
Current Membership list- Carrie advised everyone to double-check their business listing and review the current membership list. We did get 6 new members this year.
Storage unit: Carrie got pricing for the 5×9 storage unit ($30) a month and as well as the other rental unit company that is larger unit (10×20). Megan motioned to move forward with the storage unit (5×9 for $30) with a second from Laurie. Motioned passed unanimously. Kris is going to contact Jacob Snyders with Garretson Self Storage to secure our unit.
Steet lamp banners– no update as information from Performance Press was not yet received.
Jesse James’ Days schedule– went over the weekend schedule. Megan offered suggestions for updates to 5k run. Looking into options for a color run, and discussed later start for event- 8:00 am registration and 9:00 am for race. Discussed having music/microphone/group warm-up before the event and maybe starting/ending in the football field. Talk with Sam Williamson to see if she is interested in helping. Kris to look into t-shirts.
Discussion to have Guy or Carrie contact Rich Holzapfel on the model train display- see if we can move back to commons area this year. Sarah’s husband Blake will take point with parade line-up and registration the day of event.
Art Trail will have updated artwork from locals/alumni/those well-known from our area.
Friday Evening- We need a volunteer to spearhead setting up and running a Scavenger Hunt for Friday evening. Outreach to Angie Nussbaum to see about setting up the car show. Music from Vocal Jam will be playing that evening, confirmed. Glow Kayak- ensure with Kelli Schleuter it’s still on, request Kelli have music playing over speakers for this event.
Talked about inflatables and cost- move forward with $6,000 expense ($1,000 over budgeted) for those items including the DJ.
Sarah mentioned creating a kid’s craft corner in the green space in the afternoon. Also discussed the possibility of minnow races. Other discussion and ideas requested for bringing activities up to downtown late afternoon, early evening. Have 280 FIFTH band play from 5-7pm as family-friendly, older kid/teen event prior to the Street Dance. The Gulch Bar is in charge of setting up the Street Dance this year.
New Business
Advertising– Carrie discussed getting a YouTube ad put together for JJ Days as we have funds available from the TAP Grant. We would be able to use the ad for future advertising, and for extra $100 the company is willing to film over JJ Days for future ads. Cost estimate was $450 plus the $100. Board gave go ahead to have Legacy Productions (Mason Hofer) move forward using the TAP Grant funds.
- Hiring campaign– decided not to do a print of hiring campaign but to keep everything online and self-printed posters to keep things more up to date.
- Phone book/Visitors guide– reviewed and looked it over
- New resident bags– Heather said they are still in need of some items
- Coupons/Maps- Carrie asked if it was okay to check with businesses to solicit coupons for visitor’s guide and board gave go ahead. Check with Luke to see if more Maps needed, if so then coupons/sponsors will be needed for those too
GED Update– Chris Fields said they are putting out a lot of marketing and advertising for the community. He’s working on updating the Garretson tri fold brochures. Gave an update on the “Green Space” on Main Ave for future planning. GED will be offering that land for free with certain stipulations for a business to build there. Noted this could be a long-term project but could move quickly.
Retirements- Rachel Danielson- she had a great retirement party at the Treasure Chest- over 100 people attended.
Other Business
Discussed the SDBP episode on Garretson- We could advertise this on our website or with a QR code. Great advertising for our community. A lot of people attended the premiere at the Legion in February.
1:07 pm Macie motioned to adjourn with a second from Sara. Motion passed unanimously.
Next Meeting will be held at The Gulch on April 9th, social time 11:30 a.m. and meeting at 12:00 p.m.