Garretson Commercial Club Minutes, Nov 9 2022

Wednesday November 9, 2022

Palisade Oil

(11:30 Meal, 12:00 meeting)

Present:  Luke Dreckman, Laurie Bennett, Guy Johnson, Garrick Mortiz, Rob Meyer, Megan Rollag and Kris Johnson

Guests:  Paetyn Dreckman, Sam Williamson, Carrie Moritz, John Brinkman and Logan Jacobson

Absent:  Ron Luke

The November Garretson Commercial Club meeting was called to order by President, Garrick Moritz.

M/S by Megan/Laurie to approve the Secretary’s Report as presented.  Motion passed.

M/S by Laurie/Megan to approve the Treasurer’s Report as presented.  Motion passed.

The first item under Old Business was the Sound System on Main Ave.  John had no update from Mid States Audio but he will check soon.   Luke got a quote from Verum Technology.  They quoted the Meyer Sound System high end sound system at $96,000.  The middle of the road system would cost $22,985.  This includes 20 speakers (two per pole) for balanced audio sound.  They would pull the wire.  It comes with a 1-year warranty on parts and labor.  A 3-year extended warranty would cost an extra $1,800.  It comes with a music player and includes royalties.  The annual subscription is $35.  They said the cost may go up another 20% sometime in the future.  If GCC decides to get this system we could pay 50% down payment, 40% upon delivery and 10% upon completion.

The second item was an update of the bicycle raffle ticket sales.  Luke said that 77 tickets have been sold so far.  Decision was made on a 1:00 pm drawing at the Legion for Hometown Christmas regardless on how many tickets we have left to sell.  This should generate more tickets sales in the next thirty days.

The third item was the by-laws and mission statement review from Luke and Garrick.  There was one change in Article II which will replace some existing wording.  The new wording is “To advocate for Garretson area businesses and organizations by helping them grow and succeed through promoting advertising and providing resources for the betterment of the community”.  There was a M/S by Megan/Rob to bring to the Annual meeting for general membership review and approval.

Two more changes presented.  They were the wording matching up for board vacancies and the President or two Board members calling for special meetings in both the articles and by-laws. M/S by Garrick/Megan to approve these changes.  Motion passed.   

Trunk or Treat had seven camp sites filled and five businesses participate uptown.  A good estimate was 500+ people at the park for treats and the petting zoo run by the FFA Chapter.  The general parking was an issue with many cars parking along side the entrance road. 

Hometown Christmas will be held December 10th from 9:00 am until Noon.  Laurie said she has had some Vendors express interest.  She will charge $10 per table with proceeds going to the Food Pantry and it will run from 9:00 am until 1:00 PM with limited vendors.  The Kid’s Crafts will be held at the Legion instead of the school because of a double header sports conflict.  Megan will head up the crafts and it will run from 11:00 am until 1:00 pm.  There will be a Silent Auction from (9:00 am until 1:00 pm.  The Silent Auction winners, punch card winners and bicycle raffle ticket winner will all be announced at 1:00 pm at the Legion.  There will be a house Lighting contest this year again.  The community is encouraged to light up their houses and yards.  There will be horse carriage rides and Fire Department rides throughout the day.  Garrick will give story telling at the Library.  Everyone is encouraged to bring a food item to the Legion for the Food pantry.  All these activities and times will go into a direct mail flyer and posters around town.

Under new business the first item from Luke was looking at the club’s membership fee structure.  It hasn’t been touched since 2009.  More incentives are needed to keep existing organizations and obtain new members.  Some ideas included possible kickbacks to businesses such as two free meal tickets to the annual meeting, more social media and discounts for advertising.  Maybe a two tier membership system should be explored.  Excess money collected could be used for small business grants for infrastructure improvements and/or startups.  This was tabled for the annual meeting to get membership ideas and input.  There was also discussion to pay board member monthly meal reimbursement.  This may encourage more people to attend. 

A social meeting coordinator should be selected soon for the club. 

M/S by Laurie/Guy to approve the annual insurance premium of $1,908 and renew the club’s liability insurance policy for another year.  Motion approved. 

M/S by Garrick/Laurie to appoint John as acting secretary.  Motion passed.

The next meeting will be a special meeting to discuss and firm up Hometown Christmas.  It will be held on November 30th at the Sports cabin.  11:30 meal and noon meeting.   M/S by Luke/Laurie.  Motion passed.       

M/S to adjourn by Garrick/Guy.  Motion passed.


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