Garretson Commercial Club Minutes, November 2020

            The Garretson Commercial Club met Wednesday, Nov. 18, 2020 at Palisade Stop ’N Shop for 11:30 lunch, and business meeting at 12:00 Noon. Present were: Pres. John Brinkman, Vice Pres. Garrick Moritz, Treas. Kris Johnson, Sec. Margie Martens, Rob Meyer, Carrie Moritz, Anna Uhl, Jessica Fueston, and Jay Buchholz (from Sioux Valley Energy).

            President John called meeting to order. Handouts were available of the meeting’s Agenda, and the Treasurer’s Reports. Garrick moved to approve the Treasurer’s reports; Anna seconded, approved by all present.  A copy of Secretary’s October Report was passed to view by all present. 

            Old Business:  Christmas Lanes information was sent out in the City utility bill. John reported that the Trunk or Treat on Halloween at Split Rock Park went over well; an estimate of over 300 youth took part.  The Petting Zoo also was successful. Enjoying these events included several visitors from adjoining communities.

            John stated that the conduit installed under Main and 3rd Street by MidWest Boring will make a great improvement for a ‘sound system’ in future parades. Still planning with three newest businesses for an official ‘ribbon cutting.’

New Business:

            Palisade State Park road signage is still on the agenda for the Commercial Club. Hopes are to have a sign installed on land owned by Oran Sorenson (near the Park) to advertise Garretson.

            Liability Insurance policy for the Commercial Club is up for renewal. Brinkman plans to contact local insurance businesses about quotes on such. 

            Hometown Christmas Activities:  ‘Parade of Light is scheduled to be Saturday, Dec. 12th at 6:30 p.m. It may not be a long parade, as it possibly will be a cold night.  Line up for the parade will begin on 5th Street near the entrance to Devil’s Gulch at 5:30 p.m., with the parade beginning at 6:30 on Main Avenue through the business area. “Light the Park” has all sites already reserved. The gates to the park will be opened beginning on Nov. 26 and then following on every Friday, Saturday, & Sunday nights from 5:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m. until New Years. Contact Carrie Moritz for more info on the project. Last year it was estimated that 175 cars drove thru the park to see the lights following the Parade of Lights. Hopes are to get volunteers to open the parks, check all sites to ensure displays are intact, & lock gates each evening.

            Because of the COVID in the area, most planned activities for Hometown Christmas are being cancelled. Rob Meyer informed the Commercial Club that the Legion members would be unable to host the breakfast due to safety concerns of their members to prevent the spread of COVID-19. Motion by Garrick to cancel all indoor activities: the free breakfast and the Kids and Crafts activity at the Legion; motion seconded by Rob; all members present approved. The Train Display by Rich Holzapfel was to be in held in the former Steak House building, but that too will be canceled for the safety of the community.

            There will be ‘House Lighting Contest” at Christmas with the winner receiving a $100 Commercial Club Gift Card, and the honor of helping judge the next year’s winner. Businesses are urged to decorate their windows or store fronts. A prize for the best ‘business front or window display’ will be a Traveling Trophy of a small tree with ornaments. 

            Commercial Club businesses will be giving away “Shop Hometown” tickets to be turned in for weekly drawings of a $50 Gift Certificate per week for 4 weeks. A chance to visitSanta Claus won’t be on the schedule, but there will be a special ‘mailbox’ for all kids to ‘mail letters’.

            The Annual Budget Meeting will be Tuesday, Jan. 5, 2021. The Annual Meeting of the Commercial Club is set for Monday, Jan. 18, 2021. Nominees will be for Vice President, and any additional board members that are up to renew their term, which could include Ron Luke.

            Motion was made by Garrick to adjourn the Nov. meeting, seconded by Rob; all were in favor. 

Margie Martens, Secretary 

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