Garretson Commercial Club Monthly Meeting Minutes for February 2023


Palisades Oil




12:00 PM  (11:30 lunch)

ROLL CALL (17 attending)

Executive Board:

Megan Rollag, Luke Dreckman, Kris Johnson, Leslie Black, Laurie Bennet, Macie Coburn, Rob Meyer, Guy Johnson

*Leroy Austin absent

Members: John Brinkman, Steve Carlson, MaryAnn Carlson, Peyton Dreckman, Ron Luke, Tim Mallette, Carrie Moritz, Garrick Moritz, Sam Williamson

Guest Speaker: Colleen Collier – Park Advisory Board

Annual Meeting Review – Megan Rollag

      Megan Rollag, New President introduced by Past Pres. Garrick Moritz

Greetings given to the 17 members in attendance, and 2023 board members introduced.  Pres. Rollag gave comments on the Annual Meeting in January and the increased attendance today due to the interest in the Merger. She opened the meeting expressing disappointment that the Economic Development Corp. had not presented a fact filled presentation to the membership, in order to facilitate a confident vote towards a merger. She suggested further discussion on the merger be tabled until later in the meeting.

Pres. Rollag invited others to comment on the Annual Meeting:

  1. Annual Meeting Member Free Meal – Luke D. on whether providing a free meal had motivated more membership to attend. MaryAnn C. reported 41 Registered for the meal. 36 attended the meal.  $240 Paid for meals personally.  Est. $325.75 worth of meals ordered.  Balance to be paid: $75.75. All members notified by mailer and email.   
  2. Economic Development Merger Presentation – Guy J, remarked on the lack of any presentation from the EDC, pointing out that their facts and plans are not clear cut.

Motion: Steering Committee requested by Guy Johnson to clarify.

Action(s): Exec. Board of GCC appointed as Steering committee after much discussion.  Steering Committee will research and develop information for membership. Meeting TBD later this week.  Approved unanimously.

Economic Board Report: The first meeting last night 2/7/23 with new Exec. Dev. Board. In attendance: Richelle Hofer, Chad Hanisch, Jerry Rotert, John B., Ron L., Megan A., Luke D.

The EDC assigned temporary board membership to Megan R. and Luke D. until the merger decision.

Both John B. and Ron L. will represent us on the board.

Full Report and Q and A to follow in New Business

Sound System Report: Luke D.

2 bids are still pending,

2 grants written to Prairie Rose with a Feb. notification amount $ unknown, and Alliance Communications – April notification up to $10K, 

Grants require additional information

John B. will attend the city council meeting 2/13 and present bids and provide answers for grants regarding city approval of project, with clarification of the following: establish long term maintenance of sound system[A1] , confirm the ability to hang on light poles and, ability to run conduit through drainage system, and address concerns for apartment buildings approval/notification of sound system usage.

  • *Deadline for work order Feb./March for pre-Jesse James Days installation
  • Special Meeting discussion:  2/21 at noon, Palisades Oil.

MOTION to approve by Leslie B. 2nd: Laurie B. Approved Unanimously.

  • Recommendation by MaryAnn C. to retire the $900 from Gift Certificates to help pay to help pay for the sound system.

Palisades State Park Sign adjacent to Oren Sorenson’s Land  –MaryAnn C & John B.

We will not need a permit if it outside the fence line since we have the township approval. Permit may be needed if inside the fence line.

Geography will dictate sign placement as campers depart the Park. (West as campers are leaving park is optimal.) Further discussion: on previous determined a North/South view on approach vs. the East West proposed

The sign will use general icons vs. wording to prevent favoritism or accidentally omitting a particular business.

Action(s):  Draft sent to Performance Printing per the annual meeting for 8×12 sign.

  Top 3 amenities will be posted prominently to attract campers to Garretson.

  Estimate will be presented at 3/8/23 board meeting for approval.   

Treasurer’s Report: Will emailed or attached to the minutes.

        No Questions- Motion to approve: Guy J. 2nd and Laurie B.

Volunteer Signup – Form sent to Leslie for Calling/Confirmation report on 3/8/23


Econ. Dev. Meeting Report from 2/8/23 Megan R. Ron L., Luke D.

The EDC assigned Luke D. and  Megan R.  “temporary board members” until merger decision.

A Chamber will be developed with or without merger and affect GCC and the new Chamber membership. Megan R. repeatedly assured the GCC members that after her initial hesitancy before the meeting she could speak with confidence about the leadership after attending”. Outlining that “we are stronger by uniting with proven Econ. Dev. Board members like Rachel Hofer, Chad Hannish, Jerry Roder, John Brinkman and Ron Luke.”  She ended her brief reminding all that, “both entities want to promote community and business growth.”

Merger Questions and Discussion:

We have no plan after 1.5 years of discussion from Econ. Dev. –Guy J.

City will develop Chamber with or without us. We will lose members by not joining. We will lose members by joining. – Megan R.

Clarifying statement: So, the city will develop a Chamber despite our not merging and divide the city. Macie C.

SMGA (Jessie Fonkert) presented several times and we were pro-merger. Time has allowed rethinking that decision. Ron L. and Megan R.

The EDC has not established a “Chamber”.  I checked there is no record. it-Macie C.

There are legal issues with the “Chamber” trademarked name – promising amenities not assigned to EDC with an additional membership fee –Garrick M. and Leslie B.

Is it possible to wait 1 year to merge to see how they are doing as a new corporation with no measurable goals or achievements do date? Macie C.

What is their budget? Do they have an itinerary? Guy J.

Motion:  by Carrie Moritz that a joint meeting between the “steering committee”/Exec. Board and the Board of the Econ. Dev. Be scheduled in order to answer these and other questions before a decision be made.

Motion: Approved and Passed. Carrie Moritz, 2nd Guy J.

Report Continued of (2/8/23) EDC Board Meeting -Megan R., Ron L. & Luke D.

Improved confidence after hearing board members ideas and views confirming same goals. Megan R., Ron Luke

“There are no plans solidified at this time due to a newly formed board with no bylaws or goals determined. There are no clearcut answers to the future accept that we have mutual goals in common”.  A 4 hour strategic meeting is planned to determine 5-10 year goals.”

Delays contributed by red tape, since only 2 entities could converge at one time. –Ron L. 

We want to avoid division between the EDC Board/City and the GCC.

Projects will continue – but in a different format. Megan R.

Additional Comments and Questions regarding the delay of any business proposal from the EDC, including, shared goals, ROI, the benefits of merging and an all or nothing option- Guy J. Leslie B, Megan R, Kris J., Sam W., Macie C, Leroy A, Laurie B.

Steering Committee Action Items: to contact businesses and communities in lieu of EDC business proposal and market research and report to membership.

Meet with EDC Board – Megan R will arrange

Contact: 10 Garretson business’ and survey their likes and expectations for our organization/ and a proposed Chamber.” -Guy J, Luke D.

Contact Hartford and other area towns have merged presently, survey the success of those that have not fully merged. Kris J, MaryAnn C.

In addition: contact other “merged and divided: Chambers /Commercial Clubs and ask what positive growth have you experienced under your relationship to the city Econ. Dev. (both separate and merged entities.) Guy J., Kris J. Macie C.

-Leslie B will develop contact list for Steering Committee with sample email, and business survey questions from Luke D.

*Consensus: Survey communities and businesses for needed strategy and avoid the pitfalls they experienced.  

Garretson Park Committee: Colleen Collier presenting

Proposal – A full Saturday of Family events Sat. 10/28 before Halloween. (with or without Trick or Trunking). and collaboration with GCC.

  1. Camp sites may be filled by campers on this date so it could inhibit the “first come first serve” use as the walk through for handing out candy.  
  2. Initial thoughts and suggestions for the event:
  3. Tractor Rides received approval from Oren for transporting guests to and from all parks.
  4. Possible Walking Tacos for fundraising, popcorn, cider etc.
  5. Suggestions: business specials, Midnight Madness with scavenger hunt at businesses.  
  6. Recommendations:

Support of the full day, Fall Parks Event and Trick or Trunking – Garrick M.

           Donation of candy for event by GCC – Kris J.                       

MOTION to Adjourn by Megan R., carried unanimously

  1. Special Meeting 2/21 for sound equipment here at Palisades Oil.
  2. The 3/8/23 meeting will address the new agenda items not covered in this meeting.

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