Garretson Commercial Club Monthly Meeting Minutes, Sept 2022

Wednesday September 14, 2022

The Sports Cabin

Present:  Garrick Moritz, Ron Luke, Luke Dreckman, Laurie Bennett, Guy Johnson, Carrie Moritz, Steve Carlson, Tim Mollett, Peyton Dreckman and John Brinkman.

Absent:  Kris Johnson, Rob Meyer and Megan Rollag

The September Commercial Club meeting was called to order by Pres. Garrick Mortiz.  M/S by Laurie/Guy to approve the Secretary’s Report as presented.  Motion passed.

The Treasurer’s Report was tabled at this time until next month’s meeting.

The first item under Old Business was the main street sound system.  Luke and John found a web site with Rockville Pro Sound & Lighting.  The cost looks reasonable for this system which includes an Amp, remote control and twelve outdoor speakers for $1,031.  The speaker wire isn’t included.  Additional input was gathered from Steve Hintze.  There are still some questions that will be posed to this company.  Kristopher Hennings was contacted in SF and he is willing to come to Garretson soon to look over the light poles on Main Ave and see what he could recommend for a sound system.  He is more of a home sound system installer rather than a commercial installer.  A wireless sound system would still be preferred but they are hard to find on the internet.  The GCC does have $4,000 set aside towards any sound system purchase.  Luke and John will get more quotes and answers.  Other options may be 3D Security, Inc. and Mid States Audio, Inc.

Next under Old Business was a proposed fund raiser idea for the GCC to raise money for Main Ave improvements and new Highway 11 signage.  The idea from previous meetings is raising money through a raffle drawing.  Garrick presented his research on E-bicycles, Ron talked about the recent raffle done by the Blue Dragon Boosters and Luke discussed his findings on two campers from two SF dealerships.  Discussion centered on the cost of the raffle drawing and the risk/reward for GCC.  The E-bicycle raffle will provide a low risk/reward versus a new camper from Schaap’s RV Traveland.  The timing of the raffle prize with the upcoming winter was discussed along with the cost of the raffle tickets and today’s economy.  Since this is the first raffle the GCC has done the consensus is to proceed cautiously and go with the E-bicycle raffle drawing.   M/S by Luke/Ron to purchase a Trek Verve +2 E-bicycle for $3,051.21 to raffle off.  The funds will go towards Main Ave business improvements to store fronts and new Highway 11 signage.  Motion passed with 4-1 vote.  Then there was a M/S by Luke/Guy to limit ticket sales at 150 for $50 apiece.  Motion passed.  Performance Press, Inc. agreed to provide the 150 raffle tickets at no cost.  The goal is to sell all the tickets and hold the drawing during Hometown Christmas weekend.  The net proceeds will be close to $4,448.  Luke Dreckman will spearhead the raffle drawing. Laurie suggested that we look at the camper raffle idea again in the spring of 2023.  This will go towards purchasing and replacing the existing sign at the Highway 11 and Dows intersection along with upgrading the software system.      

Next there were no updates to the GCC By-Laws and Mission Statement.  Minor corrections are being reviewed as suggested at our last meeting for the Annual Meeting.  The general membership consensus would have to approve any recommended changes.  Garrick and Luke will work on this before January, 2023.

The last item under Old Business was Truck or Treat on October 31st.  The City of Garretson approved the usage of the Splitrock Park campsites from 4:30 pm to 6:15 pm.  Any overflow can be held at the High School parking lot along Main Ave.  All Main Ave businesses are encouraged to participate with involvement and specials for that night.  The local FFA Chapter will look at providing a Petting Zoo again this year.  M/S by Garrick/Laurie to purchase $150 candy from GFC to distribute and $200 for advertising the Truck or Treat event.  Motion passed.  Garrick agreed to set up and hand out candy on behalf of the GCC at the park.

The only item under New Business was Hometown Christmas.  It will be held on Saturday, December 10th.  We will contact the Legion to see if they are willing to help with a French toast, sausage and juice breakfast.  Other activities kicked around are Kid’s Crafts, House Lighting Contest, Vendor Fair in conjunction with the breakfast and a Silent Auction.  Laurie agreed to head up the Vendor Fair at the Legion.   GCC drawings and E-bicycle raffle ticket winner will be drawn at the Legion.  The Kringen family and Fire Department will be contacted to provide free rides around town.  The Light Parade will be held later that evening on Main Ave.  The Lights in the Park will be foregone this year due to lack of volunteer help.

M/S to adjourn


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