Minutes from Commercial Club Meeting June 12, 2024

Garretson Commercial Club Meeting minutes

June 12th, 2024 Regular Meeting Palisades oil

Those in attendance: Carrie Moritz, Luke Dreckman, Megan Rollag, Corey Scott, Susan Haygood, Sarah Beahler.

12:00 pm Luke Dreckman called the meeting to order.

Secretary’s Report- Looked over meeting minutes nothing needed to be updated and couldn’t be voted on as we didn’t have a quorum.

Treasurer’s Report- as we did not have a quorum, we reviewed the documents and discussed having Kris Johnson itemize the monies spent for Jesse James days (down payments) so we know what the total dollar amount that went out for the future budget.

Old Business:

            State Park Signage– Luke advised they are moving forward with the sign. Got signatures and approval from the township to move forward. Commercial club to work with Mr. Sorenson

Phonebook and business guide – phonebooks went out and look great. Thank you Carrie for your time and work to get this done. Discussed starting on this early so they go out next year around feb 2025.

Jesse James Days- Went over items needing attention. Getting cash and wrist bands for the bounce house. Ask Dakota entertainment to set up on Saturday instead of Friday evening as we are going to monitor the weather. If they set up, we will be charged for the event. If 20mph winds they will have to deflate. Will monitor weather and make a decision by Friday on Set up if over 60% chance of thunderstorm will cancel. Sarah Beahlers husband is helping with set up of parade. We have someone to help with the toddler train. Corn hole, Car show, Street dance street closing was confirmed with the city. Eye Exam is set up and ready to go. No other items needing attention

Celebrations- Bruce Brown was going to check with the historical society. Wasn’t present at meeting will follow up next meeting

Retirements- Nothing concrete at this time – will monitor

Ribbon Cuttings- Treasure chest did not wish to have a ribbon cutting, the Palisade state park grand opening will be on July 11th. Talked about having Luke, Carrie and Megan or other board members present to have a separate commercial club ribbon cutting for the event. Should be around 9:30am

New Business

            State Baseball Welcome bags– they will be getting each coach a welcome bag from the tournament 8-10 bags (they each would have around 15 players). Would love businesses and restaurants to contribute to getting more people in town and in the restaurants. Need items by July 1st

            TAP Grant- we should start planning for next year’s Jesse James Days to make the event extra special. We were awarded $10,000 and we plan on using it to market the event. Discussed some possible ideas of a carnival or circus to make the event extra appealing. Look into getting a well known band that has a good following to attract more people. We will likely spend more money up front but are saving on our advertising budget with this large grant. Lets brainstorm new ideas and ways of getting new volunteers and workers to make it great. Work on getting Large attractions That weekend.

Other Business

            Rasdak- appeared to be a success. The news paper and Art galley were able to sell food and raise $400 for the art trail. People reported feeling very welcomed in Garretson. We think the restaurants saw good foot traffic as well. The daycare did a great job of cheering on the riders on their way back into town. Great Job.

Library- Sarah discussed the library wanting to do a couple open houses. They are doing a new technology program that will allow access to library for card members. Members would be  allowed access 8am-8pm with their cards. They’ve really seen success in this program in other areas, they are excited to bring it to Garretson. Also discussed, Having the library host the crafts/book reading for hometown Christmas to display the renovation that they have done.

 Meeting adjourned

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